We use only the highest quality of paint and supplies in our exterior house painting jobs in Hickory, NC.
The exterior appearance of your home can leave a lasting first impression on those who come to visit you there. It can imply that you take good care of your property, or that you are too busy to care for your home properly. If the exterior of your home is looking worn, one of the easiest ways to freshen it up is to have a quality exterior house painting job done.
A quality exterior house painting job needs to be done by those who have the experience, knowledge and tools that will allow you to feel pleased with the finished appearance of your home. At TCB Construction, we know the importance of your home’s appearance. That’s why we use only the highest quality of paint and supplies in our exterior house painting jobs. We have 15 years of experience in the Hickory, NC area, which means you can rest assured that the quality of our paint job will be top-notch. We also know that having exterior house painting done shouldn’t break the bank. That’s why we keep our prices affordable—to provide you with the best in workmanship, as well as price. Customer service is important to us—we won’t rest until you are satisfied.
If you are in need of exterior house painting, contact us today for a free consultation. Our contractors are licensed and qualified, so you can depend on us to do a superior job. Let us assist you in increasing the allurement of your home’s exterior.
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FAQs About Exterior House Painting
Painting your home’s exterior is essential to preserving both its structural integrity and visual appeal. Hiring a professional can guarantee a seamless and excellent result, regardless of whether you want to update the current paint or start from scratch with a new color. However, before choosing a painting company, there are some things to consider. We’ve compiled a list of questions we’ve been asked over the years, as well as the answers. Check them out, and then contact us if you’re ready to learn more.
Why should I get my house painted outside by a professional?
How much does it cost to hire an exterior house painter?
What is the average duration of an exterior painting project?
Do I have to stay at home while the paint is drying?
When we first meet, we’ll go over the details of your project and pick paint colors. On painting day, it’s a good idea to be there when our team arrives just to double-check everything. After that, unless something comes up during that conversation, you’re free to run errands, go to work, or do whatever else you need to do.
Contact TCB Construction Today!
At TCB Construction, we offer exterior house painting services in Hickory, Newton, Sherrills Ford, Statesville, Conover, Maiden, Claremont, Catawba, Taylorsville, Lenoir, Morganton, Valdese, Connelly Springs, and Lincolnton, North Carolina.