Our Hickory, NC house painting contractors have the knowledge, experience and tools to accomplish the new look you desire.
There are many different reasons why you may be considering getting your home painted. Perhaps you love the colors of your home and the paint has become worn over time. Or maybe you are tired of the paint color and want a new color scheme on the inside or outside of your home. You may even be in the middle of renovations and in need of house painting that will repair unintentional paint damage due to the renovations. Regardless of why you are considering house painting, our contractors have the experience and qualifications necessary to leave you satisfied with the final product.
At TCB Construction, we know what it takes to achieve a quality house painting job. We know that your home should be a reflection of your personality. That’s why we work hard to ensure that we understand exactly what you want your home to look like before we start painting. We use only the best quality paint and supplies, so you can be certain that the paint job will look excellent and be durable. Our house painting contractors have the knowledge, experience and tools to accomplish the new look you desire. We are able to paint multiple rooms the same color or to change colors for each room—whatever you request.
When you are ready for a quality house painting job, contact us. We will come and do a free consultation with you, so you will know the costs upfront. We have had 15 years of experience in the Hickory, NC area, so you can be certain that you are getting first-rate service and quality. Let us assist you with all of your house painting needs.
At TCB Construction, we offer house painting services in Hickory, Newton, Sherrills Ford, Statesville, Conover, Maiden, Claremont, Catawba, Taylorsville, Lenoir, Morganton, Valdese, Connelly Springs, and Lincolnton, North Carolina.